“This special issue of Small Group Research, entitled Teaching People about Groups, features six articles on the ways in which instructors of group courses (in several disciplines) can creatively teach group concepts and theories. Each article not only describes an actual course, some of which have been taught many times, but also identifies some of the issues that can arise in teaching a groups course. Taken together, the articles represent a valuable resource for anyone who teaches (or plans to teach) a course on small groups.”
Richard Moreland, from the introduction to the Small Group Research: Special Issue on Teaching People about Groups
Given the importance of working in groups, this is an extremely valuable issue. Here is the table of contents.
Teaching People About Groups, by Richard Moreland
Experiential Learning in an Undergraduate Course in Group Communication and Decision Making, by Poppy Lauretta McLeod
Practicing What We Preach: Teaching Teams Using Validated Team Science, by Jessica L. Wildman and Wendy L. Bedwell
Social Constructivist Teaching Strategies in the Small Group Classroom, by Lisa M. Schreiber and Brielle Elise Valle
Virtual Team Effectiveness: An Experiential Activity, by Lucy L. Gilson, M. Travis Maynard, and Erich B. Bergiel
Developing Students As Global Learners: "Groups in Our World" Blog, by Annika L. Meinecke, Kim K. Smith, and Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock
Beyond 12 Angry Men: Thin-Slicing Film to Illustrate Group Dynamics by Mary J. Waller, Golchehreh Sohrab, and Bernard W. Ma
Read the abstracts of these articles for free at http://sgr.sagepub.com/content/44/4