Eighteen ways to know if you're a group facilitation expert:
- You have three different colored markers and masking tape in your briefcase.
- You can thoughtfully distinguish between facilitating learning, facilitating group development, and facilitating collaborative problem solving and decision making. Other uses of "facilitating" make you groan.
- You wonder, when you're invited to a meeting, if their facilitator will be as good as you.
- You wonder, when you're invited to a meeting, if they really just want you to facilitate.
- You wonder, when you're invited to a meeting, if they will let you facilitate.
- When invited to a meeting you ask about its purpose, what's on the agenda, what decisions are to be made, if all the people necessary to make a decision will be present, if sufficient time has been scheduled, and if they're really inviting you so you'll facilitate.
- Your hands have multi-colored splotches.
- You can explain the history of the term "brainstorming" and lament how it is misused.
- People ask how you manage to remember everyone's name.
- You have a particular technique for ripping off a sheet of flip chart paper so it doesn't leave behind a residual shred of paper at the perforation.
- You can explain Brainstorming, Nominal Group Technique, Technology of Participation, Future Search, Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space Technology, and World Cafe.
- Several books on your shelf have "meeting," "group," and/or "facilitation," "facilitator," "facilitating," or "facilitative" in their titles.
- You believe in the inherent value of the individual and the collective wisdom of the group.
- You strive to help the group make the best use of the contributions of each of its members.
- You set aside your personal opinions and support the group's right to make its own choices.
- You believe that collaborative and cooperative interaction builds consensus and produces meaningful outcomes.
- No one understands what you do for a living.
- You are right now thinking of another way "you know you're a group facilitator if ..." What is it?